Monday, September 16, 2013

Cake Flavor

Lorelai has a leapfrog birthday cake she loves to play with. It makes way too many sounds and one of them is a voice asking what's your favorite cake flavor.

Lorelai, who had way too much energy today, shouted:



Lorelai receiving her toy on her first birthday


We met with my family for some dinner. After eating all her chicken nuggets, Lorelai reached for some fries...but there fries were all gone.

"Oh no, my fries!"

"Are your fries all gone?" Asked Grandma (my mom).

"Yes, all gone!" Lorelai answered.

"Who ate all of them?" Grandma asked.

Lorelai thought about it for half a second then pointed to my dad and said with strong conviction:


...It was true too.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Fruit on the Bottom

I was having some yogurt for a mid-morning snack. It was the greek kind with fruit on the bottom, blueberry to be exact. Lorelai spotted me and approached me with "Mmmm, yogurt. I love yogurt." She climbed over and peered over my shoulder to see inside the cup. Upon viewing the contents, she then changed her tune. "Uhhhhhhhhh, oh my. Yuck!"
I guess the swirling blue color was unappealing to her. I think I will buy this kind again, it's good security it will remain mine. ;-)