Monday, October 27, 2014

Lorelai and the Mountains

Driving into the hill country of New Mexico.

Lorelai: "Woah! Look at that big mountain...and that huge poop! Maybe a big huge dog did it."
Me and Chris: "Lorelai, those are bushes."

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Chapstick Thief

I keep my chapstick by my bedside table. Not on the bedside table, because little children like to walk up and play with it; so I place it up on my windowsill where I thought it was safe from tiny hands. I noticed it was missing this afternoon. I looked all around the area. It didn't fall, it was completely gone. I then remembered waking up to Lorelai by my bed as she was messing with something. She walked off casually and I thought "ok, she didn't see that I was awake...5 more minutes." and I went back to sleep...but now, I am thinking that something that she was messing with was my chapstick.

Me: "Lorelai, did you take my chapstick this morning?"

LEL: "No." *quickly looks away*

Me: "Lorelai, did you take it?"

LEL: "Um.........I think so."

Me: "Where did you put it?"

LEL: "Um...I don't know...maybe...under my pillow?"

Sure enough, there it was.