Monday, February 24, 2014

You Beans

Lorelai was goofing around with me, Adalaide, her Grandma, her Uncles Zachary and Jacob, and her Aunt Hannah. She was showing off and being pretty silly. During this crazy show she had a declaration.

(To me) L: You queen.

M: Oh, thank you!

L: I'm the princess.

(She turns to everyone else in the room and points at them.)

L: You beans!

...ok...wait, what? "Bean(s)" is her new favorite thing to call someone when being silly. For some reason, I find this hilarious.

Monday, February 17, 2014


I handed Lorelai her tiny heart box of chocolates this Valentine's day.

L: "Oh, thank you!"

M: "Do you know what's inside?"

L: "Snowflakes!"

...somehow chocolate seemed like a letdown after that response.